LAC Indigenous Youth Network
Our principles
The Abya Yala Indigenous Youth Network (Latin America and the Caribbean, LAC), RJI-LAC, is guided by the following principles.
RJI is guided by the inherent values of indigenous cultures, including respect for the sacredness of all life and Mother Earth.
The role of the RJI, actions and reflections, is based on the wisdom of our elders, on traditional teachings and spiritual practices.
The RJI continues, respects and honors the historical struggle of our indigenous peoples and nations.
RJI respects and empowers the participation of young women and girls, and promotes gender equality.
The RJI seeks a continuous dialogue, under the principles of respect, solidarity and consensus, as the main instrument for conflict resolution.
The RJI recognizes that indigenous youth articulate because they share common challenges; RJI also recognizes each indigenous culture as unique and each struggle reflects diverse historical conditions.
RJI respects the right of each member organization to define and pursue its specific objectives and strategies for its context.
RJI expects its leaders and members to demonstrate the highest level of respect and consideration in their actions.