LAC Indigenous Youth Network

Vision and Contributions of Indigenous Youth to the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Workshop Report July 2024
The "Vision and contributions of Indigenous Youth towards COP-16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity" is a policy document of the international event entitled: "Training Workshop: Indigenous Youth as Guardians of Biodiversity Advance Towards COP16" , which was held virtually through the Zoom platform, on July 16 and 17, 2024.
This document contains 3 parts: Part 1, Development and input from the event; Part 2, recommendations; and Part 3, negotiation recommendations for Item 14: Recommendation adopted by the Working Group on November 16, 2023. Please find a summary below:

Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony highlights the need to respect, preserve and maintain Indigenous Knowledge, Innovations and Practices, as this knowledge is fundamental to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Photography : LAC Network of Indigenous Youth – Juanita Ovalle Tum
Commemoration of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples held in Guatemala.
Current context of biodiversity
This space was dedicated to national, regional and international authorities on the current progress in the implementation of Indigenous Rights in the Board of Directors of FILAC, the Ministry of Environment of Colombia and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
We had the participation of:
Sônia Guajajara , President of the Board of Directors of the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, FILAC.
Susana Muhamad Gonzále z, Minister of Environment of Colombia and President of COP16.
David Cooper , Deputy Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Myrna Cunningham Kain , Vice President of the FILAC Board of Directors.
Harold Rincón Ipuchima , Permanent Roundtable for the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Colombia

Photography : LAC Network of Indigenous Youth
(From left to right), Faiber Orlando Ramos Mulcue, David Cooper, Claudia Liliana Canacuan Cuaical, Diana Maria Tapie Cuaical, Yeferson Duwan Cuatin Cuesta, Qhapaj Conde, Gabriel Cuatin Cuesta and John Alexander Hurtado Ullune meet with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Santiago de Cali, Colombia on April 9, 2024.
Introduction to the Convention on Biological Diversity
The articles of the Convention on Biological Diversity relevant to Indigenous Peoples and local communities, the implementation of Article 8(j) and related provisions, and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework were presented.
The CDB Secretariat recommended materials to better understand the mechanisms of the Convention and specific articles for Indigenous Peoples. This document was prepared by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in collaboration with Forest Peoples Programme (2020)

Indigenous youth on their way to COP16 on Biodiversity
For Indigenous Youth, biodiversity is the variety and source of life, spirituality and cosmogony, providing the conditions for productive, cultural, symbolic and territorial development. Biodiversity is linked to co-responsibility for conservation and continuity as peoples, and is interwoven in the millennial life of indigenous cultures.
Indigenous youth are the hinge of transitions between childhood and infancy (emerging generation) and the elderly (previous generation), so their responsibility in respecting Mother Earth and caring for biological and cultural diversity is very important. Indigenous youth are developing their capacities to summarize both diversities, transmit knowledge through intergenerational dialogues and, above all, project the future.
In relation to conservation, Indigenous Youth consider themselves heirs of the territories protected by the elders. For this reason, they emphasize the recognition of the ownership and governance of the territories of the Indigenous Peoples. Regarding traditional knowledge, as Indigenous Youth, they have a constant concern to guarantee traditional systems and the law that governs the transmission of knowledge. For all these reasons, the full and effective participation of Indigenous Youth in advocacy spaces such as the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity is fundamental.
The upcoming meeting of the Conference of the Parties is the most important forum for discussion and negotiation of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, following the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. During this meeting, countries are expected to discuss aspects of the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.
Proposals and recommendations of Indigenous Youth to ITEM 14: Recommendation adopted by the Working Group on November 16, 2023
Based on the final recommendations of the groups, as the LAC Network of Indigenous Youth, we propose adding text to Item 14 on the future of Working Group 8(j). We invite you to review the Conclusions section of our document. This will allow us to promote the rights of Indigenous Youth in the COP16 spaces.